the promise

i am 36 years old and i still live at home! in today's society...many gasp at the thought of it! however, back in the day where the world was sane, values were upheald & family life was essential...i would've been commended! although being divorced, changes things a little. i am my parents "little girl"! nowadays, when i tell people i live at home, i feel hurried to give an explanation as to "why" & i get the proverbial look of "what is wrong with you?" how life has changed & how the views of society today, sadly trample over what used to be, in my humble opinion, the "right" way to live!

back to my thought...i live there because i like it & i live there because i choose to, i live there because i love my parents & so long as i am single, divorced or whatever else status permits me to have time to be with them, then i will live there...punto y se acabo! as a divorcee who has healed & who has personal goals still to be accompished, I do hope...pray that one day i can be married again (this time the correct way & forever) & i pray that i may possibly have a family of my own to care for BUT in the meantime...God gives me parents each day to enjoy & for that i am grateful & blessed.

some days are a struggle & it isn't always easy! silence abounds some days BUT we manage to bask in each others company! we have, like all families, had our ups & downs, our happy times, sad times & everything in between but we LOVE each other as GOD LOVES US...UNCONDITIONALLY! THAT in itself is a blessing!

3 adults living together requires much communication...sometimes that doesn't always model or mimic our communications from yester year but it's there. in fact, communication sometimes reminds me of "Que Pasa USA"...and we all know what that was like!

parents often struggle to find a "balance" between being a parent & being a friend! it's a thin line that often, weaves in & out! i am happy to say that at this stage of my life, i realize my parents are my friends!

i am a very emotional, thinking person! i live in my thoughts sometimes too much! i ponder the future with much expectancy worrying that it comes all too soon! my career has made me more aware of LIFE & in some instances the lack thereof! it's taught me to appreciate LIFE in all it's imperfections & it has made me realize that as imperfect as my life is & has been, it has been perfect & i am blessed! i am more than conscious that we are here NOW but gone tomorrow!

at a very early age in my life, i promised myself that i would appreciate every moment that i had with my parents! i saw too many clients suffering because they regretted not having done that! i have tended to elderly clients who have been abandoned by their families, never to receive a visit! my heart breaks at the thought!

for the most part my journey of sharing with my parents is fun filled & enjoyable! they are energetic with much pizzaz. but as with all journeys, sometimes the road is painful! living with them on a day in & day out basis allows me to see the inevitable aging process! some days while having dinner with them, i stare at them...trying hard to not break into tears because i see the paths on their face that speak to years gone by, the beautiful silver strands of grays that remind me of their youth gone by!

patience has not always been my friend but if there is one place i have always tried diligently to employ is & has been with them! i am not always as successful as i would like to be BUT i try my best!

today i read a letter, of sorts, written as a request from a mother to her child. i am not sure who the original author was but it was brilliant! as i read it, the tears just ran down my face! i, again, intensely thought about the future, the past & the present! i thought to myself "that's backwards"! a parent should not have to request all the things stated in the letter to their child! although i understand that the "law of life" tells us that we as children are a gift to our parents & in time they must release us, i do not believe that the release equates to abandonment!

so i took the liberty to tweek the letter & make it a promise from a child to parent! the Lord gave us a commandment of honoring our Father & Mother! i feel that in today's society we have abandoned that Commandment forgetting that much like WE are GIFTS to them, THEY TOO are/were GIFTS for US! we all have a journey & it begins the moment GOD chose those parents for us! Let us remember that we learn from everything & let us not forget the Commandment!

this is for my parents! my best friends! my companions in good, bad & ugly! i look to many more moments of laughter, shopping, eating & just grand times with you both! LOS AMO!!! (I translated to's below the one in spanish...just scroll down)
Mis queridos padres, el día que los veas viejos, les prometo que les tendre paciencia, y les tratare de entender...

Si cuando hablo con ustedes, me repiten lo mismo mil veces, tratare de no interrumpirles para decirles “eso ya me lo contaste”, solamente los escúchare...

Recordare los tiempos en que era niña y me leían la misma historia, noche tras noche hasta que me quedara dormida...

Cuando no se quieran bañar, no los regañare y no los avergonzare, solamente recordare las veces que ustedes tuvieron que perseguirme con miles de excusas para que me bañara...

Cuando vea su ignorancia ante la nueva tecnología, les dare el tiempo necesario para que aprendan, y no hare esa cara de desesperada...

Recordare que ustedes me enseñaron a hacer muchas cosas como: comer apropiadamente, vestirme y peinarme por mi misma y como confrontar y lidiar con la vida...

El día que note que se estan envejeciendo, prometo, les tendre paciencia y sobre todo tratare de entenderles...

Si ocasionalmente pierden la memoria o el hilo de la conversación, les dare el tiempo necesario para recordar... y si no pueden, no me pondre nerviosa, impaciente o arrogante... Solamente tendre presente en mi corazón que lo más importante para ustedes es estar contigo y que les escuches...

Y cuando sus cansadas y viejas piernas, no les dejen caminar como antes, les dare la mano, de la misma manera que ustedes me la ofrecían cuando di mis primero pasos...

Cuando estos días vengan, no me sentire triste, sólo estare con ustedes, y tratare de entenderles y ayudarles con amor...

Y con gran cariño recordare el regalo de tiempo y vida que tuvimos la dicha de compartir juntos!
In English:
My beloved parents, the day that I see you get old, I promise I will be patient with you & I will try to understand you

If when I speak with you, you repeat the same thing to me a million time, I will try to not interrupt you & say to you "you already told me that", I will simply listen

I will remember the times when as I child, you would read me the same story, over & over again until I fell asleep

When you no longer have the desire to bath, I won't yell at you, I won't embarrass you...I will remember the many times you chased me down when I needed to take a shower

When I recognize your inability to cope with modern technology, I will give you the needed time to teach you & I will not be haste about it

I will remember that you taught me how to do many things: how to eat properly, how to dress myself & brush my own to cope & face life’s challenges...head on

If occasionally you have lapses in memory & forget...I will give you the time necessary to remember AND if you can't i will not become impatient or arrogant

I will simply remember in my heart that the most important thing for you is that I listen.

When your legs no longer allow you to walk swiftly, I will help you...just as you did when I first learned to walk.

When these days arrive, I will not be sad, I will simply be at your side & I will try to understand you & help you with all my love...

I will remember fondly & will be grateful for all the time that I was blessed to share with you!


  1. Loving and nourishing relationships are a blessing and the fact that you recognize and embrace your family is a blessing in itself. If I may add, a personal note: when I see you or identify with you, I do not see a divorcee. I see a vibrant intelligent woman moving on with her lift and in her prime. You do not own that title and it really doesn't describe you in any way that I know.
    Love and gratitude are two of your many, many virtues...this is what I see - in your words and demeanor. P'alante! Buen Camino, mi linda!
    <3 Dfly!

  2. Everyone should be so lucky and blessed to have you for a daughter. Beautiful tribute from a loving daughter.

    ps thanks for the English translation for me a real gringo!


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